Dear Brothers and Sisters,


The information we are providing comes with a heavy heart.   FOP Lodge 2 has had trouble finding members who would be willing to volunteer their time to sit on the Board and run Lodge 2.  Lodge 2 can no longer fill empty Board seats for this fiscal year and in the future.  The Board must comply with Lodge 2’s Constitution and By Laws, and those of the National FOP and State FOP Lodge.  We can no longer continue to function and operate as a FOP Lodge.  Board members, after many discussions and for the Good of the Order and Membership, made the decision to merge with Riverside FOP Lodge 8, at the end of this fiscal year ending 6-30-2024. 


Effective July 1 2024, Lodge 2 will have merged with Riverside FOP Lodge 8.


Your current Benefits and any Insurance you subscribe to will continue with no interruptions. 


When you receive your new Membership card from Riverside FOP Lodge 8, YOU MUST NOTIFY the insurance company which you participate in with your new Lodge number (8)  and the new Membership Number.


Your 2024 State and National Per Capita (Dues) were paid from your Lodge 2 account to the National FOP and State FOP Lodge and no additional dues will be needed this Calendar Year.  All Records and accounts (Checking and Savings) will be transferred to Lodge 8.


On Behalf of the Lodge 2 Board, we would like to thank everyone for your participation and support with FOP and Lodge 2.

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